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Rabu, 25 April 2012

Wakatobi Marine Paradise in Indonesia

Kabupaten Wakatobi adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. Ibu kota kabupaten ini terletak di Wangi-Wangi, dibentuk berdasarkan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29 Tahun 2003, tanggal 18 Desember 2003. Luas wilayahnya adalah 823 km² dan pada tahun 2003 berpenduduk 91.497 jiwa, terdiri dari laki-laki 44.843 jiwa dan perempuan 46.654 jiwa.
Wakatobi juga merupakan nama kawasan taman nasional yang ditetapkan pada tahun 1996, dengan luas keseluruhan 1,39 juta hektare, menyangkut keanekaragaman hayati laut, skala dan kondisi karang yang menempati salah satu posisi prioritas tertinggi dari konservasi laut di Indonesia.
The reefs of Wakatobi National Park — the third largest marine park in Indonesiasupport a tremendously colorful cross-section of biodiversity. But its 3.4 million acres of islands and waters support a fishing industry that, through destructive practices and overuse, has placed those same natural resources in danger.
The Nature Conservancy is working with WWF-Indonesia, supporting planning and improving efficiency throughout the park. We helped Wakatobi become the first Indonesian national park to adopt a zoning system approved by both the central and local governments as well as the communities living within the Park.
Increased Awareness — and Biodiversity
Our concerted efforts are making local communities more cognizant of the impacts their actions have on the environment and increasingly willing to protect its vital resources in the future. The reefs may shelter a wide variety of wildlife species, but they need protection as well, and fishers from Tomia village are assuming increased responsibility.
Armin Sahari, a fisher from Tomia, says, “In the beginning, we knew that one of the diving spots near Tomia Island was a fish spawning area, and that the fish stocks were down. But we were skeptical that declaring it a no-take area would restore the fish supply.”
The results overcame Armin’s skepticism. “We decided to work with the National Park Authority and The Nature Conservancy-WWF Joint Program to make the area off limits to fishing for three years,” he says. “After that time, sure enough, we saw fish that hadn’t been in those waters since long, long ago. Dogtooth tuna, giant trevally and groupers are coming back.”
Inspiring a sea change
The Conservancy, together with WWF-Indonesia, plays an active role in Wakatobi conservation. From helping start a turtle hatching program on the islands of Anano and Runduma to running regular patrols using a floating ranger station patrol boat, we’re fostering local enthusiasm for conservation throughout the region.
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Comment :
Besides , bali , indonesia 's beautiful wakatobi the east coast , pantai and scenery lau beautiful guiler variegated peculiar marine fishes that beautiful scenery and meberikan like heaven of the seas . Wakatobi also provides income for indonesia because it 's in his beautiful scenery many because of carelessness tourists come in and pay income for the society . Kepulauan located in southeast sulawesi this is a paradise real bottom of the sea where paket charm nature baharinya present furnished cultural heritage buton kingdom that is reflected in every trace of an angle daratannya . Not impossible qibla tourism in the latter days are turning to that place . And that 's when the , everything 's going to stop time to stop by and let her be brought in awe . Duhai errant , now the wakatobi has called . When will you become selanjutnya ever come to the ground and perairan wakatobi ?
Wakatobi is a paradise who do not want to leave anything in the second .

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